Who Really Controls The US Government?

I am going to begin this piece by asserting that most first and second world countries are controlled and owned by the oil, military and financial moguls of this world and we all know who they are, in general. I will also suggest that these same individuals, hidden from public scrutiny, obtain this control by the use of blackmail obtained through child trafficking, sexual misconduct and drug distribution.

Those who seek power eventually become acquainted with the minions of this Cabal. The Cabal takes them under their wing and helps them achieve the power they so desperately want. In the process, they introduce these power grabbers to their world of drugs, sex and more. Once they enter the illicit side of this Cabal, they are trapped. Trapped and enslaved to perform for their new master. Threatened with disclosure of their sick and sadistic acts of drug use, child rape, torture, etc. Whatever their masters led them into, is now their blackmailing device.

At this point, the victim has no choice but to concede the wishes of his captor, hoping now, just to survive. Yes, he now has power and fame and wealth and glory, but he is a prisoner of the Cabal and his own mind. Always wondering when his services will become unnecessary in the future. Even those who take the ride to fame or wealth, but never partake in the side show, are still in fear of disappearing simply because they are involved in some manner in the inner workings of the world. Therefore, it would stand to reason that any person who holds a seat in any office of the Federal Government is unable to do anything as an individual, and would always be pushed aside for the corrupt majority.

So why vote? Why waste my time proving my identity to someone who has not proven their identity to me, while standing in line for hours, to cast my opinion of how someone else should cast a vote for me? They do not vote for me, they vote for themselves, every time. They vote for whatever will line their pockets with money and fill their homes with wine, women and song. They vote because they must make the laws that protect their masters. The laws that remove our protection from the Cabal, which makes them our masters by proxy.

Laws that allow corporations to pollute our lands and restrict us from the use of it. Laws that allow financial institutions to write their own regulations, print their own money out of thin air, police their own industry and spy on us all, while giving us rules as to how we can and can not spend our own hard earned wealth. Then we are expected to bail these assholes out when their funds drop under a billion USD. Laws that allow them to take your home and your land, without a word from you. Without reimbursement of the monies you have already paid, which are generally far more than the original price of the house. The house is not taken because one couldn’t pay for the house, it is taken because they can not afford to pay the illegal and immoral usury on the original loan.

According to their own justification of usury, or interest, as they like to call it, it is justified because the financial institution supposedly takes a loss due to the money leaving the bank’s bottom line and collective wealth. If this were true, I would not argue the case, but this is untrue and very misleading. The bank is not only not losing money when it gives a person a loan, it actually becomes income for the bank. Banks do not need to have gold or silver or any other item of value to back the money they loan out in mortgages, car loans, business loans, etc. When you accept the loan, the bank literally invents the money it loans to you by “electronically adding it into the system”, as quoted by Ben Bernanke, during one of his many unbelievable testimonials to our well lobbied Congress. They turn on their computer, enter the transaction as a deposit to their own bank, with nothing physical or electronic to back up the transaction, and then they give it to you, at interest. This means each loan actually adds to their wealth and bottom line, so why are we still paying the usury/interest on such loan? Is this not illegal? Is this not against their own rules and regulations; their own justification of the interest when it was originally instituted? I believe it is.

Would you dare to walk into a bank and ask them to electronically add money to your account, with nothing to back up the deposit? No checks or cash, no money orders, nothing, just because you need it to loan to someone else, at interest. Would they agree to that? No. You would be arrested or at least sent to a mental institution for observation, then stripped of any weapons you may own, placed on medication, ensuring that society shuns you for life. But this is what every financial institution on Earth does to it’s clients every minute of every day. Make money from nothing and sell it to us at interest, then the government takes half away in taxes, to pay the interest it owes to the Federal Reserve to initially print the money. What is left is used to support the corporate whores and religious zealots who exist only to take the remainder of our so-called monetary wealth. Every time the Federal Reserve prints money it is like paying a loan with another loan. Each time the money is printed, under the rouse of economic stimulus, we owe more interest to the Federal Reserve. You can not pay off a loan, by taking out another loan, it is basic economics, mathematically impossible and as obvious as the nose on your face. And just like our noses, we look right over that fact.

Now I will ask you, who, in their right mind, would agree to this type of robbery and cover-up of said robbery? Who would carry out such thievery, pedophilia, murder, and blackmail, all for something that has no real value of it’s own and makes so many starve because of it? Look at the duality of what is happening around you and to you. People die of starvation because they do not have the money to buy food, this is a fact that we all recognize as true, and it is. But we seem to think that a lack of gumption or laziness has caused one to become homeless or moneyless. If money means worth, then the subliminal idea is that moneyless means worthless. Look around you, many feel this way about the homeless and the down and out. But the truth is, they are unable to take themselves out of their situation because of the laws that prohibit them to live without money. They can not grow their own food, gather water, make items to sell without a license, etc.

Look at their options, because they will be your options too, if you find yourself  homeless one day. Other than the usual lack of shelter from the elements, lack of clean plumbing and lack of food and water, they are subject to arrest at any time. Here is a short list of their crimes: loitering, destitution, trespassing, vagrancy, public urination/defecation, illegal camping, littering and my favorite, from my own hometown, covering yourself with a blanket in public. You know, in case they are hiding something underneath. And they are. It’s called hiding a shivering body from the cold. I’m sure a full length fur coat would be fine though. All misdemeanors, all made to put people who are poor in jail for no other reason than to hide them from society. If you don’t want a stranger sleeping in the park, maybe you should ask them into your home instead. They won’t be out in the elements and you won’t be strangers any more either. You’d be surprised to see how many intelligent, caring, and grateful people are homeless and in need of assistance. Your government won’t do it. They will only brand them as criminals, to be swept into the ever growing penal system.

You have to ask yourself why these people remain homeless, especially after being incarcerated via one the many poor laws we have on the books. Do they not offer them public assistance for housing or at least food and drink? I do not see many cities that are actively trying to reduce their homeless population by any means other than discriminatory laws against being poor. You can’t be on private property and you can’t be on government property, so where is the public property? There is no public property that is not claimed by the city or state in which it lies. Where will they to go if they have no place to go? That is the duality of the dilemma. The homeless are asked to leave, but they have nowhere to go. Does this make them a criminal or does it make them a victim?

Our mainstream media is obliged to speak the double speak and propaganda the government wants us to hear. To see who owns your media outlets, is to see who is pulling the strings behind them. This will lead you to the government shills who profit from the media lies and false events our many facets of power present to us. Everything we see and hear is programmed towards the agenda of the Cabal. Our news, TV shows, movies, music, and yes, even cartoons are pushed into our psyche everyday, hour by hour, filling our brains with unconscious, useless nonsense. We are trained to believe the lies and follow their commands. We are too afraid of what might happen if we do not. We are trained by our schools and religions to spy on our neighbors and report anything suspicious. We are trained by the telly to like this and that, and hate this and that, and buy, buy, buy.

We follow the wrong stars, we follow the wrong leaders, we follow the wrong religions. We see the faults of others, but never the faults of our own. We will violently fight for our right to wage war but never to stop the wars we are fighting already. We will gather as a nation to debate the rights of gays, or whether a white Hispanic man with a Jewish last name is a racist for defending himself with a gun instead of his fists, but not the ability of a child to eat 3 times a day. We’ll gather as a nation to congratulate the returning winning  Olympians, and watch in collective suspense while movie stars and musicians receive their meaningless awards, but we can’t get together long enough to find a way to help the homeless and disabled. We have lost sight of what it is to be a nation and have become a land full of selfish individuals who can not see past their own dinner table, unless it is to see the TV.

With that said, who owns the US government? I would say the media, the public school systems, religious organizations, financial institution, and corporate/foreign interest lobby groups. All led by the same entity that controls all of these institutions and much more. And all of these many entities are involved with the worldwide ring of child trafficking pedophiles, either as clients, enablers or protectors of the ring. Below is a list of the real people who run this country, and eventually this power seeps into the governments of the countries they control through the central banks of these nations. To see who is in control of you, just see who you can not question. He who controls the money, controls the nation. Keep that in mind as you read the list below. Then tell me, who really controls the US Government?



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